Volume 6, Issue 1 (Journal of Studies in Applied Language (JSAL) 2023)                   JSAL 2023, 6(1): 123-148 | Back to browse issues page

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Vaezi H, Taghipour Bazargani D. (2023). A Linguistic Study of Types of Repetition in Persian Legal Bills [In Persian]. JSAL. 6(1), 123-148. doi:10.52547/jsal.6.1.128
URL: http://jsal.ierf.ir/article-1-26-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Department of English and Linguistics, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran , hengamehvaezi@yahoo.com
2- Assistant Professor of English Department, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Abstract:   (2483 Views)
Undoubtedly, coherence is what gives a text its sense of unity and distinguishes it from writings that are dispersed. Its function is to connect two parts of a text and make them continuous so that the reader or listener can identify missing elements that are required for the text's interpretation. Reference, replacement, deletion, conjunctions or connections (for grammatical cohesion), and repetition and convergence (for lexical cohesion) are some examples of cohesion-enhancing methods. At various levels, the linguistic study can concentrate on written legal texts (letters, papers, invoices, and files) as well as spoken legal texts (such as courtroom talk). One of the transdisciplinary areas between linguistics and legal theory is legal linguistics, often known as forensic linguistics. Repetition is a linguistic property that may be used to measure text coherence. The current study looks into Persian legal bills' repeating patterns from a linguistic perspective. Linguists examine court evidence, records, offenders' specific terminology, speaking patterns, and writing styles in legal situations to provide expert opinions on the practical analysis of legal materials. The stylistic phenomenon of information repetition is one of the problems that is frequently found in legal documents, especially bills. 40 bills that were filed in court served as the source of the data, which was then qualitatively assessed. The examples reveal that there are two basic types of repetition in the printed language of the bills: repetition that is both unnecessary and beneficial. In the first group, the legal documents under discussion contain repetitive phrases and extraneous material that are regarded as filler. Two subclasses of grammatical and textual repeats make up the second group. The requirement of Persian language standards has led to the formation of required grammatical repeats, a repeat of the same term, a repeat of synonyms, a repetition of opposing words, a repetition of differentiation, and a repetition of emphasis are a few examples of contextual repetitions that vary based on the text and legal writing style. Rewriting the content, extending parallelisms, using various limitations, and not paying attention to punctuation, complicated phrases, and multipart verbs are only a few of the unique qualities of the writings under study. The motives for emphasis, the worry that one would forget the audience if one speaks for too long, and the need to retain the main points are all connected to the repetition of information in bills. Because of this, the repetition of information in these texts plays a useful and effective function and facilitates the communication of the core idea.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sociolinguistics
Received: 2022/01/30 | Accepted: 2022/10/30 | Published: 2023/03/1

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