Volume 4, Issue 1 (Journal of Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics (JLTLL) 2021)                   JSAL 2021, 4(1): 29-48 | Back to browse issues page

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(2021). Investigation of Meaning and phonological processes of Arabic words involved in Laki language [In Persian]. JSAL. 4(1), 29-48.
URL: http://jsal.ierf.ir/article-1-53-en.html
Abstract:   (940 Views)
Borrowing words from one language to another has always happened. some words both in meaning and in pronunciation may change from the source language to the destination language over time and in the process of borrowing. Laki is one of the ancient languages  observed in the provinces of Lorestan, Ilam, Kermanshah, Central Hamedan, Khuzestan and Qazvin. Geographically, they are located between Lorraine and Kurdish lands. The main centers of Laki speakers are the cities of Selseleh (Aleshtar), Noorabad (Delfan), Kuhdasht and Darhshahr. There are some words in Laki whose roots can be found in Arabic. The purpose of writing this article is to study the meaning and phonological processes of Arabic words involved in Laki (the language of a part of the people of the west of Iran) in the framework of reproductive phonology. The method of work in this research is descriptive-analytical in which a limited number of words have been examined and have been transliterated based on IPA international transliteration. The results of the study indicate that the most important phonological processes in Arabic to Laki words are the process of omition, weakening, inserting vowel enhancement and recurrence. In the semantic study of words, it was found that some words such as " baua, hap, huz, hwal, Xef, zaqom, Rasan, etc." indicate the same Arabic meaning, some words such as "Lakh" have intensified their meaning and some words in Laki, like "Vera", they adhere to one of the past meanings of the Arabic language, which is in opposition to the modern meaning (in Arabic).
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Subject: Sociolinguistics
Received: 2023/05/20 | Accepted: 2021/02/28 | Published: 2021/02/28

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