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Journal of Studies in Applied Language (JSAL)

زبان‌ کاوی کاربردی

Volume 3, Number 1 (2020-2)

The Effectiveness of Literary Elements on the Expression of Social Motifs; a Comparative Study of the Poems of Ahmad Matar and Hossein Esrafili according to the American School
اثرپذیری عناصر ادبی در بیان موتیف‌های اجتماعی؛ بررسی تطبیقی اشعار احمد مطر و حسین اسرافیلی بر اساس مکتب آمریکایی
| [Abstract-FA] | [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Role of Teachers’ Psycholinguistic awareness on Second Language Teaching and Learning
The Role of Teachers’ Psycholinguistic awareness on Second Language Teaching and Learning
| [Abstract-FA] | [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

A Comparative Study of the Psychoanalytical Portrayal of the Women Characters by Virginia Woolf and Zoya Pirzad
A Comparative Study of the Psychoanalytical Portrayal of the Women Characters by Virginia Woolf and Zoya Pirzad
| [Abstract-FA] | [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The role of the Qur'an in the development of the linguistic meaning of the singular "Abd" from the perspective of the theory of "the relative significance" and "Palmer"
دور القرآن الکریم فی تطور الدلاله اللغویه للمفرده "عبد" من منظور نظریتی "الدلاله السیاقیه" و "بالمر"
| [Abstract-FA] | [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Failure in the Qur'an: Its Concept and Causes
الهزیمه فی القرآن الکریم: مفهومها وأسبابها
| [Abstract-FA] | [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Rhetorical study of prepositions with Evidence from the Qur'an
بررسی بلاغی حروف جر با شواهدی از قرآن
| [Abstract-FA] | [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

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