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XML The Utilization of Agricultural, Animal Husbandry, and Avian Terminology and Expressions in Shahriar's Heydar Baba Collection with a Focus on Azeri Language [In Persian]
Ayat Shokati *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparison of the Learning Process of Prepositions from the Perspective of the Radial Network in Children of Age Groups A and B [In Persian]
Fateme Moeini, Maryam Iraji *, Foroogh Kazemi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Acquisition and Instruction of Causative Structures in Persian through the Lens of Processability Theory [In Persian]
Talieh Mansouri Jozani *, Reza Morad Sahraee
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML An Analysis of Lexical Chunks in “Mina 1” and “Let's Learn Persian 1” Textbooks: A Comparative Study Based on Lewis Model and Their Degree of Fixedness [In Persian]
Maryam Ghasemian *, Nasser Rashidi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Investigation of cognitive phonology in learning English language and improving pronounciation in eliminating vowel errors of persian speakers [In Persian]
Nahid Khosravi *, Maryam Iraji, Bahram Modarresi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Investigating The Role and Position of Linguistic Needs, Affective Needs, And Cultural Needs in Intercultural Communication: A Mixed Methods Study [In English]
Vahid Ghorbani *, Hamid Dowlatabadi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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